Sunday, May 31, 2009

24-26 May Mrs. Idaho America Pageant - ROAD TRIP!!!! Libby Crawford the the Mrs. Oregon director, took me on my first REAL road trip as Mrs. Oregon on this particular weekend, we hit the road on Friday and headed for Boise, Idaho where the Mrs. Idaho Pageant was being held. It was a great girls weekend away, driving down the road singing along to 1980's music, and talking...lots of talking. I got the chance to meet all of the lovely ladies that were competing for the title of Mrs. Idaho. I was very happy that it was them and not me having to walk across that stage again. At the end of the night Jamie Hilton took home the coveted, Mrs. Idaho crown. Congratulations Jamie!!!

Mrs Idaho 2009 Jaime Hilton and Mrs. Oregon

A quick stop to appreciate the beauty that is MY State

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