Lack of Inspiration - I'm overwhelmed by all of the tasks that I need and should do. When this happens and it is often I usually wind up not doing anything. I haven't worked out in about 4 days. I have been in my new home for about 5 months, I have company coming on Saturday and I still have boxes that need to be moved out of the living room, (in my defense my mom just moved in with us 1 month ago and this created more mess after our move). I want to get into my back yard and get digging and planting done, I've got a garage sale to plan, so that hopefully when winter comes the garage will be empty and I can actually use the garage for what it is meant....PARKING. I have some volunteer work that I am doing and have a task to do for an auction that I am helping with on Thursday. I promised Ian that we would ride our bikes to his new school, so that he could plan out his daily route, the bird cage needs cleaning the cats boxes need cleaning. There is more, but here is the kicker.... I am on vacation! So I have plenty of time to get these things accomplished, I'm experiencing a "Lack of Mo", motivation that is. It's that whole procrastination thing that I am so good at, waiting until the last minute. I keep telling myself that I am going to get out of bed early and go workout, but each morning of my "vacation", I seem to wake up a little later. And so here I sit, "playing" on my computer, before I know it the day will be half gone and I will have gotten nothing accomplished. What should I do first? I'm out of Redbull, I've had two cups of coffee, but it just doesn't satisfy me the way Redbull does, just one can it is all that I need. OK here it is I will get my workout clothes on, Ian just woke up, I am going to try to convince him to go on a bike ride, to the store for a Redbull, then to his new school, then up to campus to do the work for the auction.....that will be a good start, we'll see what happens from there.
Just one question, why can't BOB clean the garage, the bird cage, the litter boxes, etc.?
That's a really good question? If I don't ask, I guess it doesn't happen....
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