Mother, Wife, Mrs. Oregon America 2009, retired Army Officer, Lover of all things Oregon Ducks! and now....Woman on a mission.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
After all the glitz and glamour.... after all was said and done, after I left the bright lights and big city of Las Vegas behind, after the judging was done, the queen had been crowned (congratulations Gariane), I kicked off my high heels, and washed off all the make-up; the family and I loaded up the truck and took off for a 36 hour decompression session at our ranch in Central Oregon. A no frills get-away, no electricity, no running water, if you want a bath just hop in the river, my hand-made hammock makes for great naps under the warm sun. It is just what I needed after my event filled week at the Mrs. united States Beauty Pageant.
ahhh, just Joelle - just chillin'
Ian gets the fire going for lunch
My hubby doing what he likes best when at WUG...working hard
Blanche "Belle Reve" DuBois loves WUG because she can run around from end to end with no leash on - aahhh freedom.
The loves of my life Bob, Blanche and Ian (not necessarily in that order)
Ian relaxes in the ultimate hammock, handmade with love by mom
Blanche cools off in the Little Deschuets
Friday, July 25, 2008
CONGRATULATIONS MRS. SOUTH CAROLINA!!!!! Top 12 were as follows -
NJ, MN, SC, NC, FL, NV, AL, MS, VA, TN, MO, WV - Top 5 were - SC, NC, MN, MS,VA
I'm sorry that I did not get better photos afterwards but if you've been there you know that is can be chaotic. They really did not want us to take pictures, just the official photographer and all a girl wants to do at that point is get out of her heels and gown and get to see her family. I had no problem with the top 5 or top 12 for that matter. They all spoke well, they looked great and had "rockin" bodies. Any of them would have made great representatives as Mrs. United States. I would write more but it is after midnight and I have a plane to catch in the morning....back to OREGON!!!! When I am less tired and can think clearer perhaps I will give my thoughts on competing "at-large" in a pageant. But right now sleep is number one on my mind...

NJ, MN, SC, NC, FL, NV, AL, MS, VA, TN, MO, WV - Top 5 were - SC, NC, MN, MS,VA
I'm sorry that I did not get better photos afterwards but if you've been there you know that is can be chaotic. They really did not want us to take pictures, just the official photographer and all a girl wants to do at that point is get out of her heels and gown and get to see her family. I had no problem with the top 5 or top 12 for that matter. They all spoke well, they looked great and had "rockin" bodies. Any of them would have made great representatives as Mrs. United States. I would write more but it is after midnight and I have a plane to catch in the morning....back to OREGON!!!! When I am less tired and can think clearer perhaps I will give my thoughts on competing "at-large" in a pageant. But right now sleep is number one on my mind...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The final rehearsal is in the BAG!!!! OK it's 4:33 PM PST, we actaully got done a little ahead of schedule today and I promised myself and my husband that I would come up to my room and take a nap and NOT get on my computer, but I feel it my civic duty to keep the pageant community updated on the activities here, so here are photos from our final rehearsal. What a blast it has been no matter what the outcome tonight I know that I have learned a lot and have grown so much by getting to know a wonderful bunch of women over the past week, thank-you all for your friendship. Good luck to everyone tonight!!!!
Balloons on stage for the swimwear beach scene
Great dancers we have for the opening number and swimwear compition.
Great buddies Mrs. Virginai and Mrs. Maryland
Mrs. Nebraska catches a few winks while waiting for our next direction.
Mrs. Hawaii, tired but smiling.
Our very own celebrities Mrs. Kansas (aka Kirsten Dunst and Mrs. West Virginia (aka Reba McEntire) Mrs. Lousiana is their biggest fan.
Mrs. Delaware performs major surgery on Mrs. Alaska's sweater, so that she does not have a "wardrobe malfunction".
Our MCs for the night are R.J. Peltyn (remember "belt" girls; and Lynette Chappell - very elegant.
Our flower girl for the preliminaries is tonights "Crown girl", McKenzie is a doll.
Someone will go home with this tonight....
Almost over and still smiling
Mrs. New Jersey and Mrs. Connecticut always camera ready.
The woman that made us all look so good up on stage during our opening number ISABEL was wonderful and funny. I think that most of the ladies will agree with me, she truly made the opening number easy. I usually stress out about getting the dance steps but with her help it almost felt like second nature. OK it also helped that I had Mrs. Georgia and Mrs. Illinois counting off the steps near me.

Mrs. Mississippi and Mrs. Massachusetts
Stephanie's pretend farewell
OK it's 4:45 - I've got to get a nap in. I've really enjoyed writing this and keeping folks up to date. Once again I will try to get photos on tonight as soon as possible. Of course pictures during the show are not allowed.
Draggin Behind!!!!! You have never seen so many tired folks in one place at one time, OK maybe you have if you've been a beauty pageant contestant. When we got our one hour lunch break I had to or sleep, food or sleep, food or sleep. I chose food over sleep in hopes that we will be let loose early enough this afternoon to catch a few zzzzz's before the big night. So this morning I was inspired by all of the different crown pins and that I had seen on the ladies Sashes so I began taking pictures of them. Here are just a few.....
Mrs. New Jersey

Mrs. North Carolina Mrs. New York
Mrs. Puerto Rico
One of my favorites Mrs. Montana. She says it was a gift and came from Herrod's in London - beautiful
OH MY ACHING FEET!!!! Forget about sexy, forget about glamorous, cute, looking tall, looking slender, forget about all of that, I am not putting heels on for rehearsal today!!!! I rolled out of bed this morning only to roll right to the floor, I can hardly uncurl my toes. Once again I will fore go breakfast to spend just a few moments lounging in bed and watching the today show. I only wish that I had some Epsom salts to soak my tired tootsies in. Flip-flops here I come.
I don't have any pictures but sure wish I did.......tonight at around midnight I was heading back to my room, there was a group of teenage boys sitting in the hallway, trying to stay out of trouble. You see there are a hundred or more teens (boys and girls) her for some sort of basketball tournament. I had seen these young men earlier in the day getting a bit of a workout from their coach in the hallway. Well I challenged anyone of them that I could do more push-ups than they could. I told them to give me 5 minutes to take off my sash, short skirt and high heels and I would be right back out. It only took me a few moments but by the time I returned, they were heading into their rooms, thinking that I was just bluffing. Bottom line is they sacrificed one of their young players all of them standing around (including my husband Bob, who I am sure thought I was crazy), getting ready to watch me take on this 16 year old. Of course I beat him! Did you have any doubt? When we were done I told them to "always know who your enemy is", and then the coach told me to formally introduce myself; "Major Joelle Goodwin, United States Army"! They didn't believe it, I could have followed up with but didn't that I was also 44 years old. HA!!!! I'll be laughing about this and telling this story for awhile. Their coach sent them to their rooms immediately and gave them hell for getting beat by a "GIRL". HA! Goodnight.
Preliminary Night!!! Beautiful gowns all around. I don't think that anyone was overly nervous, I am telling you the biggest thing on any ones mind was (1) I pray to God that I don't fall down those stairs and (2) I just want to get off if my feet.

Mrs. West Virginia (aka Reba) and Mrs. Washington (note the clock on the wall - that's 9PM)

Sisters helping sisters (hem comes undone)

Mrs. Massachusetts Erica Baker

Mrs. Idaho and Mrs. New Jersey

If it looks like we are in a smoke filled room it's because we are! They ran the stupid smoke machines all day, we still have not figure out why. It made the stage look smokey and it filled the dressing rooms with smoke. I guess it was for some sort of effect, but the effect was affecting us!

I call these my "ladies in waiting shots" either we had just gotten done with evening gown or we were waiting to go on stage. Bottom line is everyone just wanted to get off of their feet!!

Mrs. Washington and Mrs. Idaho
And so tomorrow is the day once again we are up for breakfast at about 7:30 AM and rehearsal at 8:30. I tell you the ladies don't need any rehearsal we have all been where we were supposed to be everyday on time - very professional, it's the production crew that has made life less than desirable and we sit and wait for them. The show starts at 7:30 PM, and not matter what happens in the end I can truly say that this has been a very rewarding experience, I have met some really cool ladies and learned a lot. It is now after 1 AM, I am one tired beauty queen and so need to get myself to bed. I will be sure to post as soon as possible tomarrow night.
Mrs. West Virginia (aka Reba) and Mrs. Washington (note the clock on the wall - that's 9PM)
Sisters helping sisters (hem comes undone)
Mrs. Massachusetts Erica Baker
Mrs. Idaho and Mrs. New Jersey
If it looks like we are in a smoke filled room it's because we are! They ran the stupid smoke machines all day, we still have not figure out why. It made the stage look smokey and it filled the dressing rooms with smoke. I guess it was for some sort of effect, but the effect was affecting us!
I call these my "ladies in waiting shots" either we had just gotten done with evening gown or we were waiting to go on stage. Bottom line is everyone just wanted to get off of their feet!!
Mrs. Washington and Mrs. Idaho
And so tomorrow is the day once again we are up for breakfast at about 7:30 AM and rehearsal at 8:30. I tell you the ladies don't need any rehearsal we have all been where we were supposed to be everyday on time - very professional, it's the production crew that has made life less than desirable and we sit and wait for them. The show starts at 7:30 PM, and not matter what happens in the end I can truly say that this has been a very rewarding experience, I have met some really cool ladies and learned a lot. It is now after 1 AM, I am one tired beauty queen and so need to get myself to bed. I will be sure to post as soon as possible tomarrow night.
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